
Season 2011/12

It was not the season we have planned...
We started our fall training with optimal temperatures but it got warmer and warmer the more we should have winter. Around Christmas we almost had plus degrees around 10-15!
So it was time to look for some winter and snow anywhere in Germany. We packed all together and went to Haidmühle/ Bavaria. It was warm there too and the snow melted but there were also some pretty nice cold and snowy days.
Because of the bad weather conditions the first two races in January were canceled so that we decided to go to Sweden earlier- as nearly every winter!
There we took part at the race in Asarna- our first race of the season. It was “only” in open class sprint for 3x 24 km. But it was okay according to the conditional level of the dogs.
After that it was a difficult time for us. The race in Strömsund was canceled because of extremely cold weather. At this weekend we had -40 degrees!
So we used the time to train the team for the World Championship in Zuberec/ Slowakia. Zuberec was very succesful for us with the bronce medal in the limited distance class- but according to the trail and waether conditions it was a desaster...

    Now we continue training with the dogs as long it is still cold enough in the morning hours. Jag will supply the distance team next winter and also Penny should be in the team finally. The three youngsters Fox, Poppy and Violet will make their first experiences on shorter sprint trails.

    * 10./11.12.2011 Dobel -> no snow!
    * 01.-08.01.2012 Boderrush CZ and Poland -> distance was shortened
    * 25.12.2011-05.01.2012 Training camp Haidmühle -> pictures & report
    * 07./08.01.2012 Tettau -> canceled, no snow
    * 14./15.01.2012 Nassau -> canceled, no snow
    * 10.01.-18.02.2012 Sweden -> pictures & reports: part 1- part 2- part 3- part 4-
                           part 5- part 6- part 7- part 8- part 9- part 10-
                           part 11- part 12- part 13- part 14- part 15- part 16
      - 21./22.01.2012 Asarna -> Sprint Open 2nd place (of 2); pictures & report
      - 04./05.02.2012 Polarhundsmästerskapen Strömsund -> canceled, too cold!
    * 24.-26.02.2012 WM Zuberec/ Slowakei -> DL 3rd place (of 14); pictures & report
